Fr. George Myppan: Christmas 2008 -  Kolkata, India
english version, deutscher Text


Dear Friends,     

Six months have gone by since I wrote to you last. Let me wish you a Happy Christmas filled with peace and happiness for you and for all your loved ones.  The more we work here the more we feel that it is our duty to teach the illiterate, the unfortunate, the marginalized and to alleviate their suffering. This we are able to do with the help of generous friends. In fact we do it in your name. You are the back borne of our projects. We thank you sincerely for all that you do to support us. May the blessing of Jesus Christ who gave us the command to love one another be with you and your dear ones. With your generous help we are able to touch the lives of more than one thousand five hundred children.

The main  projects are

1. Educational sponsorship. (589 Children) 2. Correction classes. (650 Children) 3. Vocational training. (21 Children) 4. Care of the sick and old. (24 Persons)  5. Care of street and slum children. (360 Children.)

Something about the main events in Nitika Don Bosco in the year 2008.

 1. On 31st January we Celebrated the feast day of  Don Bosco (The founder’s day.) In the month of February all the bigger children went for an educational tour. We went in three buses. In the same month there was a picnic for the smaller children in Nitika Don Bosco. There were games, singing and dancing and also a good meal.

 2. This year we had a general medical check up for all the children. It was found that most of the children were undernourished. So we introduced snacks for the children before the class starts. Now about 650 children are getting some snacks five days in a week.

3. To make the children feel dignified in receiving help we organized some competition and gave away the help as gifts and remunerations. There were drawing competition, dance competition and acting competition. Nearly three hundred children took part in the events and all of them received gifts.

 4. Distribution of school stationery and tailoring goods were done in the form of games. That is the teachers organize some simple games. The children take part in these games. All those who win the games will get token tickets. Then the children buy what they need with these tickets. It was a very interesting for the children. At the same time all the children got all that they needed for their school going. There were pens, pencils, note books, exercise books, school bags, school uniform etc. The games were so simple that all children were able to get whatever they wanted.

5. On 5th September the children celebrated the teacher’s day. It was a thanks giving day. They organized an academy in honor of their teachers. The children remembered all the benefactors on that day and prayed for trhem..

6. In the month of March there were the annual examination results. We are happy with school examination results. 95% percent of the children passed in the examination and promoted to a new grade. Now there are 16 children studying in university. 24 children are in higher secondary and 307 children in the secondary school. 60 children got jobs and 37 got married. 6 children are doing non formal training. There are also  21 children dropped out of studies.

7. 14 Children finished their training in Tailoring. Two of them got married well. Thanks to the training they got. They have much better life now than before. Four children have finished computer training and are working. All these children are very grateful to all those who contributed to the training.

8. Emergency medical help were given to many for ‘medical surgery and hospitalization’. Rajani Khatoon is readmitted to hospital for a second follow up operation. Lokhi Shaha is given new legs. Nikat parveen was very sick. After long treatments and some small operations she is better now. Mr.Samir Mondol is operated for a kidney transplantation. Mr. Swapon Neyak  is send to Vellore for a medical check up and treatments. He may need an open heart surgery latter this year.  Miss Pinky Hazra is admitted to NRS hospital Kolkata for an open heart surgery. Sidharth Thakur a dumb and deaf boy is given a pair of hearing aid.

9. This year we reorganized the Saturday gathering. We have identified 350 children from the slums near by as extremely poor. We gave them identity cards. 150 of them were admitted to regular schools. We gave them school expenses. The others will be admitted to school next year and will be followed up in their education. Some of them will be admitted to the evening class at Nitika Don Bosco.

We do all these works in the spirit of Christ who said “God is our Father and we are all brothers and sisters”. Now there is a lot of persecution going on in the name of religion all around us. I sincerely feel that it is in these times that we need to help the poor more and tell the world that the message of Christ and His followers is “that of love and service and not one of revenge”. I believe that this is the spirit of “Verein zur hilfe fuer kinder der welt.” YES “WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD”.

A hearty greeting for a Happy Christ and a prosperous New Year from all our children and their parents, the helping staff and the fathers of Nitika Don Bosco. I too wish you a peace filled Christmas for all of you.


Yours truly,

Fr. George Myppan



Fr. George Myppan


Fr. George Myppan: Weihnachten 2008 - Kolkata, Indien 


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